Originally used as parachute suspension lines during World War II, paracord has since become a means to create an immeasurable variety of useful items, survival tools, and decorative ties. World-renowned for his knotting and tying skills, Lenzen guides readers through 35 different paracord fusion ties, all of which have never been presented in book form before. By way of over 800 crisp, clear, full-color photographs, coupled with succinctly written, easy to follow step-by-step instructions, he will show you how to create spherical ties, bars and bracelets, key fobs, medallions, straps, rapid deployment ties, falls, and more.
paracord fusion ties volume 1
Paracord Fusion Ties - Volume 1 Lenzen guides readers through different paracord fusion ties by clear full-color photographs, coupled with succinctly written, easy to follow step-by-step instructions. 2ff7e9595c